All-Solid-State Battery Material / Case Studies of Silicon Anode and Solid Electrolyte Analysis - Part 2 -
Release Date: 2023/01/18
Recently, all-solid-state batteries, in which Japan is leading, are attracting attention among lithium ion batteries. Compared to current lithium-ion batteries, which have the risk of smoking and igniting, all-solid-state batteries are expected to be widely used in automobiles due to their safety and high energy density.
This series of webinars are about silicon anode & solid electrolyte materials which are being studied in all-solid-state batteries.
With the cooperation of Prof. Matsuda, Toyohashi University of Technology, the webinars will provide an overview of all-solid-state batteries as well as examples of analyses performed with JEOL instruments.
This seminar will be held on the web. You can participate not only from your PC, but also from your smartphone or tablet, as long as you have access to the web. We look forward to your participation.
By attending this webinar you will learn…
Overview of all-solid-state batteries
Analysis case study of silicon negative electrode (New function of Auger Microprobe- SI mapping, How to utilize SXES, etc)
Analysis case study of all-solid-state batteries (analysis for safety and quality evaluation)
Sample preparation for TEM in an air-isolated environment
Who should attend?
Those who are engaged in research/development/manufacturing of battery material
Those who are engaged in analysis of industrial materials
Those who are engaged in analysis of industrial materials
February 15, 2023 (Wed) 14:00 to 15:00 JST (Tokyo)
Each seminar is approximately 20 minutes.
*There is a possibility of extension. Please understand.
Presentation material
No presentation material to be distributed.
Movie posting
No movie to be posted after the webinar.
Lecture 2
Air-isolated TEM Specimen Preparation by FIB-SEM
We will introduce the process of air-isolated TEM specimen preparation of the silicon anode material of an all-solid-state lithium ion battery using a focused ion beam (FIB) system.
Specimen preparation is possible from the flat and smooth CP cross section by directly transferring the specimen from the cross section polisher (CP) to FIB-SEM, and its high-quality TEM specimen can be prepared from the target area by using an FIB with specimen chamber manipulator, without exposing the specimen to air.
Related Products
CP: IB-19520CCP Cooling CROSS SECTION POLISHER™ Cross Section Preparation Device
Nano Manipulator inside specimen chamber of FIB-SEM: OmniProbe 350
Misumi Kadoi
FIB Group, EP Application Department
EP Business Unit, JEOL Ltd.

Lecture 3
Chemical State Analysis of a Charged Silicon Anode by SEM-Soft X-ray Emission Spectrometry (SXES)
Combined analytical techniques will be introduced for the silicon anode in an all-solid-state lithium ion battery, including morphological observation by SEM and elemental analysis by EDS, and a chemical state analysis by SXES and crystal analysis by EBSD.
Related Products
SEM: JSM-IT800 Schottky Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope
EBSD: Symmetry (OXFORD)
Yasuaki Yamamoto
Team 3, SEM Group,
EP Application Department, EP Business Unit

Lecture 4
Evaluation of the Silicon Anode using a Transmission Electron Microscope
Transmission electron microscopy offers a variety of observation and analysis techniques. We will introduce examples of evaluation of silicon anodes from various angles.
Related Products
TEM: JEM-ARM300F2 GRAND ARM™2 Atomic Resolution Analytical Microscope
Air-isolation holder: EM-01380STBTH Specimen Tilting Beryllium Transfer Holder
Hiroki Hashiguchi
Team 1, Group 2,
EM Application Department, EM Business Unit,

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