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Global Network


Having "BORN GLOBAL" as our DNA since our founding, JEOL delivers its products to more than 130 countries
through local subsidiaries in each region and contributes to the development of science, technology, and industry.

Extensive Coverage of Overseas Markets

Extensive Coverage of Overseas Markets


JEOL has established overseas offices in the U.S.A., Europe, Oceania, Asia and other regions to fully meet the sales and service needs of our customers.

JEOL USA, INC. covers every corner of the vast territory of North and South America. In Europe, we have local subsidiaries in France, the U.K., the Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, and Germany. In addition, in the growing emerging markets, JEOL has established local subsidiaries in India, Australia, Brazil, and China to provide attentive support.

Overseas Sales Ratio

Overseas Sales Ratio


Number of expatriate employees

Number of expatriate employees



The overseas sales ratio has been moving at a high standard. The daily operations of the local subsidiaries are supported by expatriates working in each region. (as of the end of March, 2024)

Overseas Installation Cases

JEOL's products are used by many researchers and research institutions both in Japan and overseas.
Here are some interviews with researchers who use JEOL products on a daily basis in various fields.

Super High Precision Imaging, High Spatial and Energy Resolution Spectroscopy and In situ Electron Microscopy for Materials for Tomorrow and a Sustainable Future

Interview 09

Super High Precision Imaging, High Spatial and Energy Resolution Spectroscopy and In situ Electron Microscopy for Materials for Tomorrow and a Sustainable Future

Professor, Department of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology Chair of Research Division, Member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, General Secretary of International Federation of Societies for Microscopy (IFSM)
Eva Olsson

The research division of Eva Olsson focuses on understanding the correlation between local structure and properties of hard and soft matter and also their correlation to fabrication parameters.

Biological Electron Microscopy; Seeking Evermore Significant Data for New Discoveries in Biological Research

Interview 08

Biological Electron Microscopy; Seeking Evermore Significant Data for New Discoveries in Biological Research

Professor at King's College London, United Kingdom
Roland Fleck

Understanding cellular and molecular structures is a principal foundation of biomedical research. Professor Roland Fleck, who is the Director of CUI (Centre for Ultrastructural Imaging) at King's College London, dedicates himself to high resolution imaging of their structures using JEOL electron microscopes. He uses both scanning and transmission electron microscopes, e.g., JSM-7800FPRIME, JEM-F200 well as other JEOL instruments in partnership with JEOL. The centre, which is a JEOL Centre for Advanced Technology (JCAT) specializes in both room temperature and cryo electron microscopy techniques.

Recognized as the Global Niche Top (GNT) Companies Selection 100

  • "GNT Companies Selection 100" is to select and recognize outstanding global niche companies playing a leading role worldwide with high marketshare in a niche field.

Web site of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Selected as one of the "Global Niche Top (GNT) Companies Selection 100" by the METI in 2014. JEOL was selected in "electric and electronic group" because of global conribution of our excellent technology of transmissoin electron microscope to science and technology and of high marketshare in the world.
Also, JEOL RESONANCE Inc., JEOL's subsidiary (at the time of 2020) was selected as one of the "Global Niche Top (GNT) Companies Selection 100" in 2020. The company was selected in the "electric and electronic category" for its contribution to global science and technology with its outstanding nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer (NMR) technology and steady growth in overseas sales.