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Development secrets


The JAM-5200EBM Development Trajectory - The future of electron beam metal 3D printers

Hironobu MANABE, General Manager 3D Additive Manufacturing Project
Takashi SATO, Assistant General Manager 3D Additive Manufacturing Project
Nobuhisa YAMAGAMI, Assistant Manager 3D Additive Manufacturing Project Design Group

JEOL Ltd. is seeking to open up the future of manufacturing by challenging a new field of metal 3D printers. At the center of these efforts is the "JAM-5200EBM" which utilizes our electron beam technologies. This instrument enables processing metals of high-melting point such as tungsten, and is expected to be used in sophisticated industries such as aerospace and medical. This report introduces the development background, difficulties, and the hope and future prospects of the product by interviewing the member of the development team including the project leader of Hironobu Manabe.


The reason the 75th year TEM looks like a smart home appliance

Yuta Ikeda, EM Business Planning Department, EM Business Unit
Shinichi Tanba, Products Technology Department, Production Division
Mizuki Matsuzaki, EM Research and Development Department, EM Business Unit
Haruka Aoki, EM Application Department, EM Business Unit

In May 2024, the 75th founding anniversary year, JEOL Ltd. announced a new transmission electron microscope (TEM) JEM-120i. Electron microscopes typically have a visible column where the electron gun is placed. However, the appearance of JEM-120i is off-white rectangular.Looking at its front, it looks like a smart home appliance. Clearly, a product that feels distinct from previous TEMs. We interviewed the members of the development project.

Developing a New SEM with Seamless Surface Imaging to Elemental Analysis and Reporting


Developing a New SEM with Seamless Surface Imaging to Elemental Analysis and Reporting

JEOL Technics Ltd.
Yusuke Ishida. Development Team 2, Development Group, Development Dept.
Ryouta Mishima. Development Team 1, Development Group, Development Dept.
Hirofumi Kuwahara. System Group 2, System Development Dept.
Hisashi Zaimoku. System Group 2, System Development Dept.

In August 2017, JEOL released its latest state-of-the-art scanning electron microscope (SEM), the JSM-IT500HR. The new JSM-IT500HR delivers the maximum practical magnification of x100,000 and also integrates an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) with the system. This next-generation SEM enables operations for various applications such as surface imaging, elemental analysis, and report creation to be performed seamlessly. In the following behind-the-scenes development of the SEM, we introduce to you our development team members whose "non-stop" drive and passion have made the launch of JSM-IT500HR possible.

Making a New FE-SEM with Unprecedented Performance and Usability!


Making a New FE-SEM with Unprecedented Performance and Usability!

Takehiko Shinzawa. Manager, Group 1, SM Research and Development Dept., SM Business Unit

A new FE-SEM JSM-7900F, released in May 2017, is a scanning electron microscope that simultaneously delivers ultrahigh spatial resolution imaging and guarantees superior usability. Takehiko Shinzawa is this interview highlighted the behind-the-scenes matters of its development.

The story behind the birth of the world's smallest high performance spectrometer


Definitely, we can : The story behind the birth of the world's smallest high performance spectrometer

Kenichi Hachiya. Development Group,Engineering Division

In August 2014, JEOL RESONANCE released a new NMR spectrometer, the 'Z series' (JNM-ECZS & JNM-ECZR). The routine 'S' model delivers performance equivalent to the high-end research 'R' model, but the spectrometer was smaller than all previous models - the main cabinet being just half the size of existing models. Here, we continue the story behind the birth of the world's smallest, high performance NMR spectrometer.

Cryogenic probesThe development of


To a New World. : Cryogenic probesThe development of "UltraCOOL" & "SuperCOOL" probes

Katsuo Asakura. Assistant Manager, Solution Marketing(at the time)

In 2013, JEOL RESONANCE launched the cryogenic NMR probe systems,"UltraCOOL" and "SuperCOOL". Delivering sensitivity far exceeding conventional room temperature probes together with ease of use beyond that previously associated with cooled probes, such as probe change whilst cooled, and variable temperature measurement capability, the products received a lot of positive response. However, many dramatic stories lay behind the birth of these products.

The story behind the World's first commercial NMR system that does not require helium replenishment


The Beginning of Endless : The story behind the World's first commercial NMR system that does not require helium replenishment

Engineering Department Executive manager Hiroto Suematsu

In April 2013, JEOL RESONANCE successfully released the world's first NMR system with a zero-boil-off superconducting magnet. Here, we trace the birth of this epoch-making system that overcomes the problems of unreliable and increasingly expensive helium supplies.


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