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Field Emission Cryo-Electron

CRYO ARM™ 200 (JEM-Z200FSC) Field Emission Cryo-Electron Microscope

Cryo-electron microscopy has been established as a method to enable observation of cells and biological molecules with no fixation and no staining. Owing to the recent rapid progress of hardware and software, this microscopy technique has become increasingly important as an atomic-scale structural analysis method. In addition, technologies that enable analysis of membrane proteins without crystallization have been developed, resulting in increased use of cryo-electron microscopy for drug discovery. Thus, installation of cryo-electron microscopes (cryo-EM) in universities and research laboratories is greatly accelerating. To meet the needs of cryo-EM users, JEOL has developed a new cryo-EM "CRYO ARM™ 200", which automatically acquires image data for Single Particle Analysis over a long period of time.


Automated specimen exchange system

The system is composed of a specimen stage to cool samples at liquid nitrogen temperature and a cryo-transfer system to automatically transfer the cooled samples to the cryo-stage. Liquid nitrogen is automatically supplied to the liquid nitrogen tank as required. This automated system features the storing of up to 12 samples and the exchange of arbitrary one or more samples while the rest of samples are kept cooled between the specimen stage and specimen exchange system. These unique capabilities enable flexible scheduling of microscopy.

Cold field emission gun (Cold FEG)

Cold FEG produces a high-brightness electron beam with very small energy spread, offering high coherency. Thus, the CRYO ARM™ 200 achieves high resolution, high contrast imaging.

Incolumn energy filter (omega filter)

Equipped with an incolumn energy filter (omega filter), the CRYO ARM™ 200 acquires energy filtered images and energy loss spectra. Zero-loss image acquired with the microscope provides high contrast with reduced chromatic aberration.

Automated image acquisition software for Single Particle Analysis

The CRYO ARM™ 200 incorporates automated software. The software allows for automated detection of holes on the specimen grid for efficient acquisition of Single Particle Analysis images.

Hole-free phase plate *1

This unique phase plate is suitable for higher contrast in biological specimens which originally provide only low contrast.

Auto adjustment functions *2

Auto focus, auto coma-free alignment, auto parallel-beam illumination and other automated adjustments are available, enabling image acquisition under optimum conditions.

  • Optional unit.

  • Images acquired with the bottom mount camera are used.


Main instrument

Electron gun Cold field emission gun (Cold FEG)
Accelerating voltage 200kV
Energy filter In-column Omega energy filter
Maximum specimen tilt angle ± 70°
  • Schottky field emission gun can optionally be configured.

Specimen Stage / Automated specimen exchange system

Specimen stage
Coolant Liquid nitrogen
Automated liquid-nitrogen filling system built-in
Specimen cooling temperature 100K or less
Temperature measurement position Specimen, Cryo-shield, LN2 tank
Specimen movements
X、Y Motor drive (movements: ±1 mm)
Piezoelectric elements (movements: ±0.5 μm)
Z Motor drive (movements: ±0.2 mm)
Tilt-X Motor drive (tilts: ±70°)
Rotation within the specimen plane 0° or  90°
Specimen exchange system Air-lock
Automated cryo-transfer system built-in
Cooling temperature
(specimen exchange chamber)
105K or less
Specimen exchange cartridge Up to 4 specimens can be changed at one time.
Specimen parking stage Up to 12 specimens can be held.

Catalogue Download


Application JEM-Z200FSC


Innexin-6 gap junction channel

Experimental conditions

  • Sample: Innexin-6 (Caenorhabditis elegans)

  • Microscope: CRYO ARM™300 (300kV CFEG) with Gatan K2

  • Software used for image acquisition : JADAS (1974 images)

  • Number of particles: 91,613 (Initial pickup), 37,767 (for 3D reconstruction)

  • Software used for image analysis: Relion3

  • Resolution: 3.0 Å (at FSC = 0.143)

Sample by courtesy of Prof. A. Oshima (Nagoya University)


The highest resolution 1.53 Å achieved by cryoEM 2019.02

mouse apoferritin

  • Optics features: Cold FEG 300 kV & Ω-type energy filter with 20 eV slit width

  • Detector: Gatan K2 (image pixel size: 0.495 Å, mag x100,000)

  • Grid: Quantifoil 1.2/1.3 Cu 200 mesh, kept in the autoloader for 3 days before data collection

  • No. of micrographs: 974 collected over 24 h, 840 used for image analysis

  • No. of particles: 120,295 used for final reconstruction

  • Software: RELION 3.1b, CTFFIND4

  • Resolution: 1.53 Å (B-factor: 47)

  • Note: the first 56 images alone produced a map of 1.76 Å resolution (B-factor: 45)

Mouse apoferritin plasmid from Yanagisawa, Danev & Kikkawa @Tokyo University
Kato, Makino, Nakane, Terahara, Kaneko, Shimizu, Motoki, Ishikawa, Yonekura & Namba 2019.02 (EMDB-9865)


β-galactosidase 2.43 Å resolution CRYO ARM™

β-galactosidase 2.43 Å resolution CRYO ARM™

  • Sample:
    β-galactosidase with PETG

  • Microscope:
    CRYO ARM™ (Schottky 200 kV) / K2 summit

  • Number of Images:
    2,500 over 3 days by JADAS

  • Image pixel size:
    0.8 Å/pixel

  • Number of particle images:
    350,000(Initial pickup), 88,564 (for final 3D reconstruction)

  • Software:
    Motioncor2, Gctf, Gautomatch, Relion2.0

  • Total dose:
    70 e-/Å2 (70 frames (0.2 sec/frames x 14 sec)


Data: courtesy by Dr. T. Kato and Dr. K. Namba, Osaka University, August 2017

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