A new 5mm probe which has sensitivity for 31P-15N comparable to the traditional tuneable probe and sensitivity for 1H & 19F comparable to the traditional inverse probe.
This provides optimum sensitivity for all nuclei.
This probe is compatible with the Autotune control unit thus consecutive measurements can include change of nucleus as well as different experiments.
Variable high temperature experiments are capable easily without nitrogen gas.
Application ROYALPROBE
How to use LR-HSQMBC: Observation of very small couplings
Shortening measurement time by multiple acquisition experiments
Observation of NOE by HSQC-NOESY
Study of Chemical Exchange by 2D NMR
Implementation of interleaved mode using pseudo3D experiment
High sensitivity and quantitative 13C measurements using "Q-POMMIE"
NOAH-NMR Supersequences with Nested Acquisition for Small Molecules
CRAFT for Delta Ver. 1.1 —Quantitative analysis of similar molecule mixture—
NMR software DeltaV5.3.1 Introduction of new features ~"pure shift" (3)~ HOBS
NMR software DeltaV5.3.1 Introduction of new features ~"pure shift" (2)~TOCSY
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