Risk Management
Status of the Risk Management System
JEOL's risk management system complies with all laws and regulations, as there is close cooperation among the Management Strategy Planning Division, Internal Auditing Division, Security Export Trade Control Division, General Affairs and Human Resources Division, Financial Affairs Division, IT division, Intellectual Property Strategy Division, Quality Assurance Division and other divisions. Related committees collaborate to educate and raise awareness within the Company.
The CSR Committee is also responsible for internal control and risk management committees as well as internal audit departments, and in response to reports from JGMS (JEOL Group Management System) and MDQMS(Medical Devices Quality Management System), consults and makes proposals on CSR activities and reports to the Board of Directors as well as Audit & Supervisory Board.
JEOL formulates Company rules and creates committees in line with Group management, including establishing Compliance Management Rules, the JEOL Corporate Ethics Code of Conduct, and the protection of personal information by observing our information security policy. We also established a compliance reporting hotline and business continuity plan (BCP), initiatives that will be promoted throughout the entire Group.
Moreover, we continue to develop "KF activities (activities aimed at generating a good corporate culture)", to thoroughly implement the Action Guidelines, instill corporate ethics, and generate a good corporate culture.