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JEM-2100F Field Emission Electron Microscope


JEM-2100F Field Emission Electron Microscope

The JEM-2100F is a multipurpose, 200 kV FE (Field Emission) analytical electron microscope. Variety of versions is provided to adapt user’s purposes. The FE electron gun (FEG) produces highly stable and bright electron probe that is never achieved with conventional thermionic electron gun. This feature is essential for ultrahigh resolution in scanning transmission microscopy and in an analysis of a nano-scaled sample. Various analytical instruments and/or cameras such as EDS (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer) or EELS (electron energy loss spectrometer) or CCD cameras are ready for integration with a PC system of the microscope control.


FETEM, for high resolution observation and nano scale analysis

FEG featuring a high brightness and a high stability realizes structural scanning imaging at atomic resolution. Highly bright sub-nanometer sized probe enables us to perform an ultimately sensitive analysis of a sample at sub-nanometer resolution. With FEG, the contrast of high-resolution image is also improved because it provides a highly coherent illumination with a narrow energy spread. In addition, the electron holography that requires the highly coherent illumination is available for this microscope with an optional equipment electron bi-prism.

Highly stable specimen driving system

The stable specimen driving system enables us to perform analysis at nanometer scale. The system allows the specimen to perform tilt and/or shift with an ultra low drift and vibration. With optionally available piezo specimen drive system, specimen can be shifted at sub-nanometer resolution with a range of ± 1.2 μm.
Since, the system accepts variety of specimen holders, various physical conditions of specimen such as temperature or rotation or tilt can be changeable.

Integration to other instruments

The microscope can be fully controlled by PC.  The design concept enables us to integrate various analytical instruments and/or cameras such as EDS or EELS or CCD cameras.


Configuration※1 Ultrahigh resolution
High resolution
High specimen tilt
Cryo polepiece
High contrast
Point 0.19 nm 0.23 nm 0.25 nm 0.27 nm 0.31 nm
Lattice 0.1 nm 0.1 nm 0.1 nm 0.14 nm 0.14 nm
Acc. Voltage※2 160 kV,200 kV※1
Minimum step 50 V
Step size 50 V minimum
Electron source
Emitter ZrO/W(100) Schottky
Brightness ≧4×108 A / cm2 / sr
Pressure ×10-8 Pa order
Probe current 0.5 nA for 1 nm probe
Power Stability
Acc. voltage ≦1×10-6/min
OL current ≦1×10-6/min
Optical parameters for objective lenses
Focal length 1.9 mm 2.3 mm 2.7 mm 2.8 mm 3.9 mm
Spherical aber. coef. 0.5 mm 1.0 mm 1.4 mm 2.0 mm 3.3 mm
Chromatic aber. coef. 1.1 mm 1.4 mm 1.8 mm 2.1 mm 3.0 mm
Minimum focal step 1.0 nm 1.4 nm 1.8 nm 2.0 nm 5.2 nm
Spot Size (diameter)
TEM mode 2 to 5 nm 7 to 30 nm
EDS mode 0.5 to 2.4 nm - - 4 to 20 nm
NBD mode - - -
CBD mode 1.0 to 2.4 nm -
Parameters for convergent beam diffraction
Convergence angle 1.5 to 20 mrad - -
Acceptance angle ±10° - -
MAG mode ×2,000 to 1,500,000 ×1,500 to 1,200,000 ×1,200 to 1,000,000 ×1,000 to 800,000
LOW MAG mode ×50 to 6,000 ×50 to 2,000
SA MAG mode ×8,000 to 800,000 ×6,000 to 600,000 ×5,000 to 600,000 ×5,000 to 400,000
Camera Length
SA diffraction(mm) 80 to 2,000 100 to 2,500 150 to 3,000
HD diffraction(m) 4 to 80
HR diffraction※2 333 mm
Specimen shift
X,Y 2 mm 2 mm 2 mm 2 mm 2 mm
Z ±0.1 mm ±0.2 mm ±0.2 mm
Specimen tilt
X/Y※3 ±25/±25° ±35/±30° ±42/±30° ±15/±10° ±38/±30°
X※4 ±25° ±80° ±80° ±80° ±80°
Bright-field lattice resolution 0.2 nm - -
Solid angle(30mm2) 0.13 sr. 0.13 sr. 0.13 sr. ※8 0.09 sr
Solid angle(50mm2)※7 0.24 sr. 0.28 sr. 0.23 sr.
Take-off angle(30mm2) 25° 25° 25° ※8 20°
Take-off angle(50mm2)※7 22.3° 24.1° 25°
  • Select either configuration when ordering the JEM-2100F.

  • 80 kV, 100 kV and 120 kV are possible with the optional short-circuit switches for the accelerating tube.

  • With the Specimen Tilting Holder (EM-31630).

  • With the High Tilt Specimen Retainer (EM-21310).

  • With the optional scanning image observation device.

  • With the optional EDS detector.

  • With the JEOL 50 mm2 EDS detector.

  • EDS detectors are unavailable.


Application JEM-2100F


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