Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA)

Holder insertion with Auto Loading! Quickly find the target observation point!

Specimen insertion and acquisition of an optical image of the specimen holder (Stage Navigation image) is executed with a single click.
The field for analysis can be selected from the Stage Navigation image.

Auto functions enabling anyone to obtain high quality SEM images Easy EPMA for fast elemental analysis with simplified instrument setting

In combination of the Auto Focus function of an optical microscope and Auto functions of SEM incorporating a new system with higher accuracy and faster degree of capabilities, any user can acquire high quality SEM images. “Live Analysis” enables elemental screening during observation. “Easy EPMA” is available, so novice users can smoothly operate the EPMA. “EPMA-XRF integration” allows for condition setting of EPMA based on the XRF data. Integration of WD/ED provides efficient analysis time. Operability is further enhanced with the integration of SEM, EDS, WDS and optical images.

Setting screen and displayed data of Easy EPMA

EDS Live Analysis

Example of reduced analysis time due to WD/ED integration

Integration: Single click enables setting of the analyzing crystal combination based on the elements recommended through data from the techniques as above.
Self Maintenance
Efficient Calibration with 18 built-in standard specimens

The new spectrometer calibration function reduces the steps of periodic calibration and eliminates misoperations by using in-built standard specimens.
Greater efficiency by running automated instrument calibration in the nighttime.
The maintenance notification function ensures proper maintenance at the required timing.

18 built-in standard specimens for calibration

Maintenance notification function "Customer Support Tool"
News Release(2019/11/13)
JXA-iHP200F/JXA-iSP100 Special Contents
Catalogue Download
JXA-iSP100 Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA)
Application JXA-iSP100
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