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Together with Employees

Basic Approach to Employees

To ensure that we live up to our company philosophy for sustainability, we are striving to secure outstanding employees that have diverse understanding and perspectives. As well, we will provide an environment for them to maximize their abilities. In addition, we are working to maintain and improve our business activities by creating an environment in which employees can work safely and in good health, and that enables a variety of workstyles.

Recruitment and Human Resource Development

We continue to cultivate the DNA that we have built up over more than 70 years by hiring new graduates, while bringing in mid-career workers with diverse backgrounds. The open and mutual exchange of ideas between these two groups serves to challenge the ever-evolving world of science and technology.

Comparison of Regular Recruitment and Mid-Career Recruitment (as of March 31, 2021)

Ratio of Females among New Graduates Recruited

  FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021
No. of male employees 27人 27人 44人
No. of female employees 6人 11人 12人
Ratio of females 18.2% 29.0% 21.4%

Promoting Diversity

“Eruboshi (L Star) Certification (3rd level)

JEOL recruits people regardless of their gender, nationality, age, or disability to create an organization where everyone can play an active role. The fact that JEOL is a company where people an work with peace of mind for a long time is reflected in our low turnover rate in recent years.
In August 2023, JEOL received Eruboshi (L Star) certification (3rd level) from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in recognition of our accomplishments in advancing women in the workplace. We emphasize the hiring of females and in recent years female workers have accounted for approximately 20% of new employees. In addition, the rate of employees who take childcare leave and return to work is close to 100%. Many employees make sure of a shortened work hour system, etc. after returning to work following childbirth and childcare. We also established a job return system in January 2019. We support a work and family life balance by introducing a return-to-work registration system targeting employees who need to stop work for reasons such as childcare or nursing care.

  FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020
Job Turnover Rate 1.4% 1.3% 1.2%

Initiatives to Safeguard Health

We believe that the mental and physical health of employees are important management issues, so JEOL practices effective health management, including promoting our Health Management Declaration both inside and outside the Company.
Almost every employee receives a medical exam every year. Our resident industrial physician pays close attention to the daily health of employees.
Further, over 90% of employees undergo stress checks every year to help prevent mental health problems. We have also established multiple points of contact to provide counseling and support, which includes talking with an industrial doctor specializing in mental health or getting advice from people outside the Company via telephone or email.

  FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020
Health chekup participation rate 99% 99% 99%
Stress check exam rate 92% 91% 94%

Health Management Declaration

JEOL wishes to be a company that contributes to the progress in both science and human society on the basis of company philosophy since its founding of “Creativity” and” Research and Development”. In order to continue to provide products and services that contribute to people’s health, safety, and security, it is of primary importance for each and every employee to be healthy in mind and body. Based on this belief, we will promote the following initiatives.

September 1, 2021
Izumi Oi
President & COO

  • We will prevent occupational accidents by promoting risk assessment and enhancing safety education.

  • We will continue to conduct stress checks to detect mental health problems at an early stage and prevent them from occurring in the first place.

  • We will actively engage in health promotion measures to maintain and promote the physical and mental health of each and every employee.

  • We will work to reduce health risks caused by passive smoking and improve the corporate environment.

  • We will achieve 100% of employees receiving regular health checkups.

Health and Productivity Management Structure

Initiatives for New Workstyles

JEOL encourages all employees to take paid leave to reach a balance between their work and their private life. In fiscal 2020, all employees took the five days of paid leave required by the national government, with the average number of days of paid leave being taken reaching 11 per employee. Further, in January 2021, a “paid leave by the hour” system was introduced to respond to flexible working hours and to suit diverse lifestyles.