Delta Tips: How to Customize Display of Integrals
In Delta software, it is possible to customize the position of integral curve, the font size of the integral value and the colour of integral curve.
Display Position

Default Position of Integral Values

Integral Values Below
Using the context menu:
① Push and hold the right mouse button to display the context menu.
② Select Options-Integrals-Integral Values Below to display integral values below the ruler.

Using the shortcut keys:
③ Push the shortcut keys Alt and D to change the display position of integrals values.
Using the preferences:
It is possible to change the default setting of the display position permanently.
④ In the Delta Console window, select Options-Preferences to open the Preferences window.
⑤ Click the Data tab and select the Integral Values Below ON/OFF.
Font size

Default Font Size

New Font Size
Using the preferences:
It is possible to change the default setting of the font size permanently.
⑥ In the Delta Console window, select Options-Preferences to open the Preferences window.
⑦ Click the Geometry tab and input the font scale into the Peak/Integral Font Scale box.
Colour of Integral Curve

Default Colour of Integral Curve

New Colour of Integral Curve
Using the context menu:
⑧ Push and hold the right mouse button to display the context menu.
⑨ Select a colour from the Color list of the menu to change the colour of the integral curve.
Using the preferences:
It is possible to change the default colour of the integral curve permanently.
⑩ In the Delta Console window, select Options-Preferences to open the Preferences window.
⑪ Click the Colors tab and select a colour from the Integral Color.
★It is also possible to adjust the number of digits after the decimal point.
Refer to Delta Tips Precision of Chemical Shifts and Integrals ( ⇒NMDT_0034 ).
- Please see the PDF file for the additional information.
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