Delta Tips: Filename (Part 1)
1. How to customize filenames
JEOL NMR data are automatically saved in the JEOL data format (∗.jdf) under the filename defined in the storage_filename input box in the Header tab. This input box can contain very useful strings. For example, if the $(SAMPLE)_$(EXP.filename) string is used, the storage_filename is ‘sample-name_experiment-name’. In the figure below, the sample name is ‘CAHE’ while the experiment to be run is ‘proton’, and hence the storage_filename is ‘CAHE_proton’.

- The storage_filename can also contain the date of experiment if you use this string:
$(YEAR)$(MONTH_NUM)$(DAY_NUM)_$(SAMPLE)_$(EXP.filename) - Default value in the storage_filename input box can be set in Config - Spectrometer Preferences - Environment – Filename Pattern. See ③ for details. This method does not apply to automation.
2. How to save data files in particular folder
You can have your data files saved in a specified subfolder inside the Data folder. To do so, type the subfolder name into the Project input box of Job Parameters (see the figure below).

3. How to automatically include date in filename
First of all, log in as the Administrator of the instrument.
① Select Config - Instrument Preferences in the Spectrometer Control window.

② Select the Environment tab. The parameter to modify is Filename Pattern.
If you input the $(YEAR)$(MONTH_NUM)$(DAY_NUM)_$(SAMPLE)_$(EXP.filename) string, the default storage_filename would be ‘YYYYMMDD_sample-name_experiment-name’ (for example, ‘20160623_CAHE_proton’).

③ Select Parameters – Close to close the Instrument Preferences window.

! The method shown above does not apply to data files to be collected by the use of automation templates. The method only applies to data files to be collected in the manual mode.
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