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Identifying materiality from two perspectives: business and ESG activities

In our 2020 Integrated Report, we identified our priority social issues(materiality). We will contribute to the realization of a better, more sustainable world, as set out in the SDGs, by tackling materiality issues in both our business and ESG activities and by expanding our unique business operations that embody the spirit of JEOL.
In fiscal 2019, the year we formulated “Triangle Plan 2022”, our medium-term management plan, we announced that we would contribute to the achievement of the SDGs as an entire Group, and we highlighted the SDGs that we would prioritize in our activities. We clearly stated the initiatives that we would continually use to help resolve these challenges, and added and arranged priority SDGs that we would work on.

Process for Identifying Materiality

STEP1 Identify those materiality issues that can be resolved through our business activities

Review our lineup of products that contribute to the advancement of science and medicine and then identify issues that can be resolved, while simultaneously supporting business development.

STEP2 Identify materiality that can be resolved through our ESG initiatives

Identify issues that could be resolved through our unique business activities that focus on the environment, society, and corporate governance.

STEP3 External communication and gathering information on materiality

We have set up the important initiatives for each materiality and the targets for SDGs, while communicating information externally, beginning with publishing information in integrated reports.

  Materiality Key Initiatives Targeted SDGs
SDGs being addressed through business
Provide products that contribute to people’s health, safety, and security
  • Provide medical equipment indispensable for the diagnosis and prevention of illness

  • Provide equipment with high sensitivity and accuracy that can analyze substances harmful to the human body

  • Provide manufacturing equipment that contributes to the further development of sensing technology

Contribute to scientific progress and the sustainable development of society
  • Develop world-class scientific instruments supporting advancements in science

  • Contribute to higher performance semiconductors supporting the communication infrastructure

  • Create advanced technology by promoting partnerships

Contribute to the conservation and sustainability of the global environment
  • Provide measuring equipment indispensable for the R&D of green devices

  • Manage chemicals throughout the supply chain by using green purchasing

  • Develop equipment that reduces CO2 emissions by conserving energy

SDGs being addressed through ESG initiatives
Conduct distinctive activities that contribute to the community and society
  • Provide science education support (lessons) using electron microscopes at elementary and junior high schools

  • Support academic promotions and the fostering of young researchers by donating to public interest incorporated foundations

  • Promote open innovation in collaboration with domestic and overseas research institutes and universities

Contribute to the conservation and sustainability of the global environment
  • Streamline electricity use by introducing energy-saving equipment and other initiatives

  • Reduce CO2 emissions at business locations throughout the Group

  • Thoroughly separate, reduce, and recycle waste

  • Deploy the Don’t Litter campaign, a cleanup drive for beautifying the surroundings

Develop human resources and respect human rights
  • Promote the creation of a workplace where females can more easily develop their careers

  • Enhance systems to help bring balance to work and family in line with every person’s stage in life

  • Improve the awards program for employees making exceptional achievements