Delta Tips: Normalization of Integral Values
In Delta software, it is possible to normalize the integral intensity of selected peaks.

① Click the Integral button ① in the data window.
The cursor has changed into the Integral symbol ②.
② Select an integral by clicking on the integral curve with the cursor.

③ Input a normalization value into the Normal input box in the Options panel and hit the ENTER key. Note that the integral intensity has been normalized.

All normalized integral intensity values can be found in the Normal column of the Spread Sheet table.
④ Select Analyze-Peak Spreadsheet to open the Spread Sheet window.

★ How to perform this action in the Data Slate window.
Select the Integral Normal input box and set the normalization integral value.
If you cannot see the Integral Normal input box, you need to activate it as follows:
Select Options-Show Option Bar in the Data Slate window.

★ It is possible to normalize the integral intensity of several peaks with the normalization value which corresponds to the sum of integral values of the selected peaks.
⑤ Click the Select button and select the peaks with the Select symbol ⑤ cursor.
Note that the integrals have been highlighted as in the figure below.

⑥ Input the normalization value into the Normal box in the Options panel and hit the ENTER key. The integral intensity values have been normalized.

The sum of the integral values of all the selected peaks was normalized to the normalization value which you set.

- Please see the PDF file for the additional information.
Another window opens when you click.
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