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ROYALprobe™ HFX for 700MHz console is newly released


ROYALPROBETM HFX has been provided for 400, 500 and 600MHz NMR, and it is widely appreciated from the customers in the various fields. Here the ROYALPROBETM HFX is newly released for the 700MHz NMR. As was announced, the unique feature of the probe is to switch between single and dual tune mode on the HF (1H/19F) coil, which make the user to perform triple resonance (1H/19F/X) experiments even with the 2ch console without compromising on its performance. Such triple resonance experiment (i.g. 13C {1H, 19F}) is inevitable for the accurate structural analysis on the fluorine compounds (Fig. 1, Fig. 3). The higher field operation may help to gain sensitivity and resolution (Fig 2, Fig. 3).

Fig.1 : Various13C NMR experiments

Fig.1 : various13C NMR experiments

Fig.2 :13C sensitivity enhancement by high field NMR system

Fig.2 :13C sensitivity enhancement by high field NMR system

Fig.3 : 13C INADEQUATE experiments of double resonance and triple resonance

Fig.3 : 13C INADEQUATE experiments of double resonance and triple resonance

All experiments were performed by using 100mg 2,3-difluoro-5-(trifluotomethyl) pyridine in DMSO-d6.

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