Nagoya University Research Center for Materials Science
In April 2004 the Chemical Instrumentation Lab was reorganized as the Nagoya University Chemical Instrumentation Facility and began operations as a department of the Research Center for Materials Science (RCMS), Nagoya University.
Supporting Japan’s young organic chemists
The original laboratory was established in 1979 to support collaborative research by university personnel, students and other qualified users conducting education and research utilizing chemical measurement instruments. When this was built at Nagoya University it was one of the first university-affiliated instrument centers in Japan. It was a rare facility at the time, being an intramural collaborative research facility available for student use. The center has supported the education and chemical research activities of the university, whilst acquiring the latest chemical measurement and analysis instrumentation and providing analytical services to researchers. The integration with the RCMS allows more efficient management of high-level instruments and equipment. The development of a system to perform rapid, precise measurements and analysis is expected to further advance the research on new materials that are becoming important in a wider range of applications. In addition, the connection with RCMS enhances the system for providing analytical services to Nagoya University and the surrounding area. As of March 2013 the staff is composed of the Facility Chief (Professor), one Assistant Professor, two Technical Officers and an Assistant.
The instruments available at the Chemical Instrumentation Facility (CIF) include the chemical measurement and analysis instruments that are increasing in importance such as; nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers, mass spectrometers, electron spin resonance spectrometers, circular dichroism polarimeter, infrared spectrophotometer, UV/Visible light spectrophotometer, fluorescence spectrophotometer, polarized Zeeman atomic absorption spectrometer, and elemental analyzer. It is one of the most frequently-used facilities on campus. All the NMR spectrometers are products of JEOL RESONANCE, with 11 instruments installed, ranging from 270 MHz to 800 MHz models. In 1999 the first 800 MHz NMR spectrometer was installed in Japan. This was a project initiated by Nagoya University Professor Ryoji Noyori, (President of RIKEN) who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2001.
A full range of services are provided by this intramural shared facility, including special-request sample testing, users instruction, consultations about special measurements, as well as maintenance of the equipment. In addition, this facility runs an online chemical information database (SciFinder) with the cooperation of the Nagoya University Integrative Graduate Education and Research Program in Green Natural Sciences.

Facility Chief: Professor Shigehiro Yamaguchi

Chemical Instrumentation Facility of the Research Center for Materials Science

One of the NMR labs with an NMR spectrometer
Instruments from JEOL RESONANCE

800 MHz NMR spectrometer (JNM-ECA800)
NMR instruments
11 instruments, including ECA-800
ESR instruments
MS instruments
4 instruments, including JMS-700