Tohoku University Research and Analytic Center for Giant Molecules
In the 34 years since its foundation, the Research and Analytical Center for Giant Molecules has contributed to education and research related to materials sciences, performing measurements and structural analyses on the physical properties of various substances using large-scale measurement and analysis instruments.
Working behind the scenes to support the quest for truth
This center was established as the analytical research section of the Research and Analytical Center for Giant Molecules in April 2004, and is composed of two sections; the Analysis Research Section and the Experimental Research Section. The Analysis Research Section possesses a variety of the latest high-performance instruments, such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) instruments, mass spectrometers, and X-ray structure analysis instruments. Support for research is provided not only to the Faculty of Science and the Graduate School of Science at Tohoku University, but also to other graduate schools and universities.
Starting in 2002, the 21st Century Center of Excellence (COE) Program ‘Giant Molecules and Complex Systems’ as well as the Global COE Program, ‘International Center of Research & Education for Molecular Complex Chemistry’ were instituted at the university. The center has played an important support role for the education and research activities conducted through these and other projects, including the ‘Global 30’ and ‘CAMPUS Asia’ projects. In addition, as a participating institution of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), ‘Innovation Centers for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research’ program started in 2007, the center is providing analytical instrument support to industrial, academic and governmental users involved in nanotechnology research.
In 2011, an 800 MHz NMR spectrometer was purchased using funds allocated for special large equipment based on the university’s facilities master plan. The center works with JEOL RESONANCE to manage, operate and maintain this spectrometer. This spectrometer is not only the largest NMR unit, it is the only large-scale NMR instrument in the Tohoku region, so it is being operated on a joint-use basis and is available to users from throughout the region. In particular, the installation of a solid state NMR system with a sample tube having an outer diameter of 1 mm made it possible to achieve magic angle spinning at 80 kHz for the first time in the world, and has enabled measurements of very small sample quantities (effective sample volume: 0.8 μL) with extremely high sensitivity.
In this way, the center is providing cutting-edge analysis instruments and contributing to the development of education and research activities both at the university and throughout the region.

Director: Masahiro Terada

Installation site of the 800 MHz NMR spectrometer

Dr. Kwon and staff (with the 700 MHz instrument in the background)
Instruments from JEOL RESONANCE

800 MHz NMR spectrometer (JNM-ECA800)
NMR instruments