GC-MS Qualitative Analysis Solution - How can we identify unknown compounds?
Release Date: 2020/08/05
Electron ionization (EI) is the most popular method used in gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS).
Because the molecular ions are often weak or absent in EI mass spectra, identification of unknowns can be difficult by EI alone.
When this happens, soft ionization (SI) is helpful for obtaining and identifying the molecular ions.
Recently we have developed an integrated qualitative analysis workflow to combine and interpret the information from EI and SI data.
In this seminar, we will explain the integrated qualitative analysis workflow and its application which we have applied this workflow to polymer samples in order to evaluate known and un-known compound analysis.
This seminar will be distributed online. As far as you can connect to internet, you can participate in the seminar from your computer as well as from your smartphone or tablet. We look forward to your participation.
Date and Time:
- Thursday, 24 Sep, 2020
Distribution time 15:00-16:00 (Tokyo UTC +9:00)
Related products:
- free
- 200 people
* Please read the attached file about how to register for and attend the WEB Seminar. (PDF 652KB)
* Please note that registration by competitors may not be accepted.
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